SV News Alert 19 (Part2) : January – March 2015

Recent Publications by SV Partners


SV Occasional Paper Series

Hathie, I. (2015). The Post-2015 Development Agenda: Favourable Enough to Africans?. Southern Voice Occasional Paper No. 17. Retrieved from


Uneze, E. & Adedeji, A. (2015). Exploring Domestic Financing Options for Post-2015 Development Agenda in Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries. Southern Voice Occasional Paper No. 18. Retrieved from


Toru, S.K. (2015). Development Policy Failure in Pakistan: Institutional and Governance Challenges. Southern Voice Occasional Paper No. 19. Retrieved from


Khatun, F. & Amin, M.A. (2015). CO2 Emissions, Energy Consumption, Deforestation and  Agricultural Income in LDCs: Lessons for Post-2015 Development Agenda. Southern Voice Occasional Paper No. 20. Retrieved from


Branisa, B. & Cardona, C. (2015). Social Institutions and Gender Inequality in FragileStates: Are They Relevant for the Post-MDG Debate? Southern Voice Occasional Paper No. 21. Retrieved from


Gunasekara, V. (2015). Unpacking the Middle: A Class-based Analysis of the Labour Market in Sri Lanka. Southern Voice Occasional Paper No. 22. Retrieved from


Taco, M.A.V., Garces, M.F.M., & López, R. (2015). Alternatives for Development or Alternatives to Development?. Southern Voice Occasional Paper No. 23. Retrieved from


Hernani-Limarino, W., Jimenez, W., & Saravia, K. (2015). Mind The Data Gap: Evaluating MDG’s Contribution to the Improvement of Statistical Capacities in Bolivia, 2000-          2013. Southern Voice Occasional Paper No. 24. Retrieved from


Khan, T.I. & Akbar, M.I. (2015). Illicit Financial Flow in view of Financing the Post- 2015 Development Agenda. Southern Voice Occasional Paper No. 25. Retrieved from


Agrawal, P. (2015). Can Foreign Portfolio Investment Contribute to Post-2015 Development Goals in Asia?. Southern Voice Occasional Paper No. 26. Retrieved from


Fernando, K. & Gunawardena, P. (2015). Growth within Natural Limits: The Debates, Propositions and Possibilities. Southern Voice Occasional Paper No. 27. Retrieved from

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