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Southern Voice joins Global Data Partnership as Anchor Partner

Southern Voice on Post-MDG International Development Goals (Southern Voice) has joined the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data – a global initiative that supports data-driven decision-making by promoting more open, new,


EPRC delegates join Second International Conference on Sustainable Development, Dakar

  Delegates from the Economic Policy Research Centre, Corti Paul Lakuma and Joseph Mawejje, joined the Second International Conference on “Sustainable Development in Africa” organised by the United Nations University


CSTEP and partners stage Carbon Cake premiere show at Bangalore

  Staged by Kriyative theatre in collaboration with Taralabalu Kendra, and organised by Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), Bangalore Climate Change Initiative – Karnataka (BCCI-K) and Center for Study of


Understanding the SDGs: CPD workshop for Government Officials

Good governance and rule of law must prevail for successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Bangladesh. This was one of the major observations that came out of


UNESCAP study on LDCs & Trade by Debapriya Bhattacharya (ed.) launched

Originally posted on the ESCAP website on Tuesday, 3 November 2015. Least Developed Countries and Trade: Challenges of Implementing the Bali Package (Studies in Trade and Investment No. 83). Edited by Debapriya


Alfred Bizoza attends 2015 African Economic Summit in Congo

The Director of Research, Institute of Policy Analysis and Research (IPAR)-Rwanda, Professor Alfred Bizoza, participated in the 2015 African Economic Conference with the theme, “Addressing Poverty and Inequality in the


SDGs as Citizens’ Agenda: Stress Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are not only an agenda belonging to either the government, private sector or civil societies but those should


SDPI-Alif Ailaan Seminar on SDGS & Nutrition in Islamabad

The Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) and Alif Ailaan jointly organised a seminar on Monitoring & Evaluation of Nutrition in Pakistan: Lessons Learned and Way Forward for Sustainable Development Goals


Innovative Approaches for follow‐up and review of the Sustainable Development Goals: Is There a Role for Southern Think Tanks?

United Nations Foundation, New York, New York On September 22, 2015, Southern Voice and the United Nations Foundation hosted a small informal brainstorm on follow‑up and review for the SDGs,


SV Dar Meetings conclude successfully

Participants List | Programme Schedule | Photo Gallery (Day 1 , Day 2)  Dar es Salaam, 12-14 October 2015 –Two back-to-back meetings of the Southern Voice (SV) network, the “Methodology Meeting for Research on South-South and