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New global agenda demands new approaches to public policy making – SV’s Chair at the HLPF of the UN, New York

30 June, 2015 Implementation of the new global development agenda demands balanced integration of economic, social and environmental dimensions in the national policy frameworks. Successful delivery of the Sustainable Development


SV network members join Commonwealth Trade Symposium and LDC IV Monitor EGM, Johannesburg

Commonwealth Trade Symposium 23-24 June, 2015 Chair of Southern Voice, Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya, was among the members of the SV network who joined the Commonwealth Trade Symposium on “Shaping a


Vagisha Gunasekera (CEPA – Sri Lanka) presents at the South Asia Consultation on FfD, Colombo

7-8 June, 2015 A member of the Southern Voice network, Vagisha Gunasekera, joined the South Asia Consultation on Financing for Development (FfD): Advancing Progressive Regional to Global Policies held in


Karin Fernando (CEPA – Sri Lanka) participates in the Second Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development in Bangkok

A member of the Southern Voice network, Karin Fernando, participated in the Second Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) in Bangkok on 17-22 May 2015. Karin is a member


ESRF organises National Consultative Workshop on Post-2015 Agenda, Dar es Salaam

A partner organisation of the Southern Voice network, Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) – Tazania, held a National Consultative Workshop on Post-2015 Agenda in Dar es Salaam on 12


Debapriya Bhattacharya at E15’s 2nd EGM on Finance and Development

On invitation, CPD Distinguished Fellow Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya, also Chair of Southern Voice and LDC IV Monitor, joined the E15’s Second Expert Group Workshop on Finance and Development as a member of the E15


Eugenia Kayitesi joins FfD3 side event on domestic resource mobilisation and SDGs

Eugenia Kayitesi, Executive Director, IPAR-Rwanda, joined a special side-event on the margins of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD3) captioned Building Capacity for Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM)


Debapriya Bhattacharya addresses Trade Report Launch at the European Commission, Brussels

6 July, 2015 Chair of Southern Voice, Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya, addressed the launch event of the trade report captioned Assessment of economic benefits generated by the EU trade regimes towards


ESRF Organises National High Level Workshop on Financing for Development, Dodoma

26 June, 2015 A partner organisation of the Southern Voice network, Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) – Tazania conducted a national high level workshop on financing the post-2015 agenda


Saman Kelegama (IPS – Sri Lanka) joins Asia-Pacific High-Level Consultation on Financing for Development, Jakarta

29-30 April, 2015 A member of the Southern Voice network, Dr. Saman Kelegama, was a speaker at the session on “Regional Development Cooperation and Partnerships” at the Asia-Pacific High-Level Consultation