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Southern Voice extends Ten research grants to study post-MDG issues

Southern Voice on Post-MDGs International Development Goals initiative aims to take the rich knowledge available with the think tanks in the Global South and link it to the global debates


Southern Voice members participate in conference in New York jointly organised by ODI and UN Foundation

Southern Voice discussed how to turn evidence into action for the post-2015 agenda 25-26 June 2013, in UN Foundation, New York Members of the Southern Voice network were part of


Southern Voice organises meetings in New York for shaping the post-2015 development agenda from LDCs perspective

Least developed countries’ perspectives on the next development agenda 24-25 June 2013, in UN Foundation, New York The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), LDC IV Monitor, Southern Voice on Post-MDG International Development Goals,


Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya speaks on the Southern Voice in an interview with the Brookings Institution

A Champion for Think Thanks in the Global South: Interview with Southern Voice’s Debapriya Bhattacharya Published on EDUCATION PLUS DEVELOPMENT; Blog Administered by the Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. An interview


Southern Voice members participate in conference in New York jointly organized by ODI and UN Foundation

June 25-26, 2013 at UN Foundation ODI and UN Foundation are jointly organizing a conference on HLP report entitled, “Turning evidence into action for the post-2015 agenda” on June 25-26,


Southern Voice organizes meetings in New York for shaping the post-2015 development agenda from LDCs perspective

June 24-25, 2013 at UN Foundation The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), LDC IV Monitor, Southern Voice on Post-MDGs, and United Nations Foundation (UNF) will hold a two-day


Call for contributions on the post-2015 debate – Based on existing research

As you know, the Southern Voice on Post-MDGs International Development Goals initiative aims to take the rich knowledge available with the think tanks in the Global South and link it


After the post-2015 HLP report: responses from around the world

Southern Voice and CPD’s joint event with ODI 6 June, 2013, Thursday, 2:30 – 4:00pm (GMT+01 (BST)) The UN Secretary General appointed the High-Level Panel (HLP), to advise him on


Southern Voice (SV) engages with Sustainable Development Solution Network (SDSN)

30 May, 2013, Thursday, 1pm GMT Southern Voice initiative will be hosting a webinar to discuss the draft report An Action Agenda for Sustainable Development, prepared by the Leadership Council of the Sustainable


Debapriya speaks at the launch of European Report on Development 2013 in Brussels

On 9 April 2013 Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya, Distinguished Fellow, CPD and Chair, Southern Voice on Post-MDGs joined a panel of eminent discussants at the launch of European Report on Development (ERD) 2013 held  at the European Union’s