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Towards inclusive cities: Making UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 work

by Nirmani Liyanage, social researcher on urban development at the Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA), Sri Lanka Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) prioritize human development over physical development. SDG 11 aims

News Southern Voice Blog

More health research means more lives saved

by Ama Pokuaa Fenny, PhD and ISSER Research Fellow, University of Ghana. Health research needs to include partnerships across different sectors and involve diverse stakeholders. Only then will it have


Think Tanks from the Global South contribute to Think 20 Argentina 2018

A fresh round of the Think 20 (T20) to generate public policy proposals for the G20 under the Argentine presidency has begun. This year the initiative is chaired by CARI


Flagship Report on State of the SDGs is set in motion

The State of the SDGs is the new flagship initiative of Southern Voice. It is a contribution from Southern based think tanks to the follow-up and review process of the Agenda 2030.


Strategic planning process concludes successfully

  We are pleased to share that the medium-term organisational strategy of the network has been successfully rolled out.   After being in operation for more than three years, the network


National Group for Strategic Thinking on SDGs established in Ecuador

As part of the ODS Territorio Ecuador initiative led by FFLA and Grupo FARO, the “Group for Strategic Thinking on the SDGs” has been recently established, with a focus on


Think tanks from across the globe inaugurate the South-South Global Thinkers Platform

South-South Global Thinkers is a global coalition of think tank networks that facilitates the sharing of knowledge, expertise, and perspectives from the Global South to inform policy dialogues. Its research


New Research from Partners: Envisaging the Future in Pakistan & Who Not to be Left Behind in Bangladesh

Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) and Sang-e-Meel’s latest anthology from the Sustainable Development Conference (SDC) Series was launched at the inaugural of the twentieth SDC on 5 December 2017, Islamabad.


Canada welcomes southern perspectives on their SDG strategies

  This September, Southern Voice representatives joined a series of events in Ottawa with Canadian civil society, academia and government to share perspectives of their approach to the universal Agenda


OECD’s Development Co-operation Report 2017 showcases SV’s Data programme

Southern Voice’s efforts in filling data gaps to “deliver the SDGs and leave no one behind”, have been recognised as part of the Case Studies on Data for Development, of OECD’s Development Co-operation Report 2017: Data for Development.