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Southern Voice joins PCSD partnership

Southern Voice is pleased to join the PCSD Partnership – a multi-stakeholder platform for enhancing policy coherence for sustainable development. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Center for Global

News Southern Voice Blog

Ecuador: Dialogue and Evidence for the success of the Agenda 2030

  The initiative ODS Territorio Ecuador contributes to the implementation of the SDGs through the generation of participatory and multi-sector dialogue spaces, citizen observatories and a capacity building programme focused


SDPI organises special events on the sidelines of 72nd UNGA

  Led by Prime Minister Abbasi, Pakistan addressed this year’s UNGA in New York. This called for discourse on how the country is faring with SDG implementation.  In order to


SV is a strategic partner of the Winterschool of Thintakers in Geneva

Southern Voice is pleased to collaborate with On Think Tanks, Foraus and the Think Tank Hub on the upcoming Winterschool of Thinktankers – a unique seven-day programme to be held in


Southern Voice plans a new communication and outreach strategy in Dhaka

Karin Fernando, Asia Region Coordinator and Andrea Ordóñez, the network’s Research and Partnership Coordinator, recently visited SV’s Secretariat in Dhaka to…


SV’s Contributions to WATTNet Inaugural Conference 2016

Download: English | French The West African Think Tank Network (WATTNet) held its first conference on 1-2 March 2016 on the overarching theme Transforming West Africa for Inclusive Development. The conference brought together


EPRC’s Report on SDG 2 Launched in Kampala

A partner organisation of the Southern Voice network, EPRC – Uganda, recently prepared and launched a report titled “Towards Zero Hunger: A Strategic Review of Sustainable Development Goal 2 in


Southern Voice at the High Level Political Forum 2017

This July, the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) brought together various stakeholders to discuss progress on the implementation of the Agenda 2030. Forty-four countries presented their progress on the Agenda through


CIPPEC presents findings on Universal Social Protection at the HLPF

Gala Diaz Langou, Director of Social Protection in CIPPEC – Argentina presented the findings of recent research on social protection and early childhood in Argentina. During the side panel, “Universal


Global partnership must leverage national SDG delivery: SV’s Chair at UN

The global 2030 Agenda is based on integrated and indivisible Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For greater benefit, countries would need to implement these Goals in an interlinked fashion. But for