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SV-ODI Regional Dialogues Starting Strong – the first 1000 days of the SDGs

  Southern Voice on Post-MDG International Development Goals (SV) and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) collaborated on a set of research and events focused on identifying priority early actions on the Sustainable Development


Debapriya Bhattacharya joins T20 Conference in Berlin

Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya, Distinguished Fellow at the Centre for Policy Dialogue, was invited to address the Berlin T20 (Think-tanks 20) conference organised by the German Development Institute (DIE), Shanghai Institutes

News Overseas Event

SV – LDC IV Monitor Session in association with CPD at Trade & Development Symposium – Nairobi

SV to investigate avenues and modalities to implement Trade Facilitation measures to ease regional integration of LDCs   Southern Voice – LDC IV Monitor in association with Centre for Policy

News Overseas Event

Istanbul Programme of Action: Global support sought to fulfil commitments

  The global community should extend all possible support towards smooth graduation of the LDCs from its status by delivering on all the commitments of the Istanbul Programme of Action

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Post-2015 Data Test: Midterm stock-taking workshop for country studies

Post-2015 Data Test Unpacking the Data Revolution at the Country Level

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CPD debates South-South Cooperation at GPEDC Mexico Ministerial on Global Development Cooperation

EventAgendaDelhi Dialogue and OutcomeFirst HLM The Southern Voice on Post-MDG International Development Goals in association with the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka and National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), Delhi held a Focus
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Deconstructing South-South Cooperation: A South Asian Perspective

Dialogue on DECONSTRUCTING SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION A SOUTH ASIAN PERSPECTIVE Amaltas Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi 28 March 2014 initiated by Southern Voice Initiative  organised by National Council of Applied

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Bali WTO Ministerial side event

Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) organised a dialogue on “Integrating Trade Issues in Post-2015 International Development Framework: Ongoing Debates and Potential Opportunities,” on the side lines of the Ninth WTO

News Overseas Event

CEPA Symposium on Making Sustainability the Next Metric: the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Southern Voice on Post-MDG International Development Goals (SV) teamed up with the Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA), Sri Lanka, in organising a symposium titled Making Sustainability the Next Metric: the Post-2015 Development Agenda during 6-7 November 2013 in Colombo, Sri