Southern Voice Alert

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Southern Voice Alert

SV News Alert: June-December 2015

Activities of Network Members Implementing SDGs at the Country-level SDPI organises special talk on SDGs and Vision 2025 of Pakistan in Islamabad CPD hosts national dialogue on SDGs in Dhaka

Southern Voice Alert

SV News Alert 20 (Part3): April – June 2015

SV in the Media   Jones, R. (2015). Time to ‘call EU’s bluff’ on paradigm shift: Debapriya Bhattacharya. The Devex Website. Retrieved from Jones, R. (2015). Want to work

Southern Voice Alert

SV News Alert 20 (Part2): April – June 2015

Recent Publications by SV Partners   Project Briefs and Blogs Economic Policy Research Institute – Uganda (2015). Supporting Policy Engagement for Evidence-based Decisions (SPEED) for Universal Health Coverage in Uganda.

Southern Voice Alert

SV News Alert 20 (Part1): April – June 2015

Activities of Network Members   Asian experts discuss financing for SDGs in Dhaka (16-17 May) Dhaka, 16-17 May 2015 – The Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on Asian Partnership in Financing SDGs,

Southern Voice Alert

SV News Alert 19 (Part3) : January – March 2015

Mkenda, A. & Economic and Social Research Foundation (2014). Tanzania & National Post-MDGs Development Agenda Consultations: The National Synthesis Report. United Republic of Tanzania, President’s Office, Planning Commission. Retrieved from

Southern Voice Alert

SV News Alert 19 (Part2) : January – March 2015

Recent Publications by SV Partners   SV Occasional Paper Series Hathie, I. (2015). The Post-2015 Development Agenda: Favourable Enough to Africans?. Southern Voice Occasional Paper No. 17. Retrieved from   Uneze,

Southern Voice Alert

SV News Alert 19 (Part1) : January – March 2015

Southern researchers debate post-2015 agenda at Istanbul (16-17 February) Southern Voice (SV) in association with Think Tank Initiative (TTI), held the first research conference on Southern Voice on Post-MDG International

Southern Voice Alert

Southern Voice Alert 18: September – December 2014

Part A: Activities of Network Members during October – December 2014 Findings on Country-level Data Test presented in New York Members of the Southern Voice on Post-MDGs International Development Goals network showcased the

Southern Voice Alert

Southern Voice Alert 17: June – August 2014

New issues of Southern Voice Occasional Papers Southern Voice Occasional Paper 13: Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers and Gender Sensitive Education Financing By Prof. Dr. Khalida Ghaus and Muhammad Sabir This paper

Southern Voice Alert

Southern Voice Alert 16: May 2014

Six new publications from the Southern Voice Southern Voice is pleased to announce the publications of the Southern Voice Occasional Papers (SVOP) 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. These