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‘Sustainability’ in the next development agenda: the case of energy access (Part 1)

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ April 22, 2014 This post has been written by Nihit Goyal, Sahil Ali and Shweta Srinivasan, researchers at CSTEP. They have recently launched a new paper – Sustainable Access

Southern Voice Blog

Improving women’s conditions should go beyond the ticking of indicator boxes

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ April 16, 2014 Written by Shuvechha Khadka and Ajaya Dixit, researchers at the Institute for Social and Environmental Transition – Nepal (ISET-N). They have recently launched a new paper

Southern Voice Blog

Coming back to the neglected: Growth is indeed a fix to the achievement of MDGs, but…

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ April 10, 2014 Written by Bitrina Diyamett, Director of STIPRO – Tanzania. She has recently launched a new paper –Is the Current Booming Growth in Africa worth Celebrating? Some Evidence

Southern Voice Blog

Leaving no one behind: facing the challenge of social exclusion in India

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ April 8, 2014 Written by Nidhi S. Sabharwal, Director of the Indian Institute of Dalit Studies. She has recently launched a paper –Understanding the Role of Social Exclusion in

Southern Voice Blog

Financing future goals: Aid will not be a panacea for Africa’s development

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ April 3, 2014 Written by John Kwakye, Senior Fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs – Ghana. He has recently launched a new paper – Looking beyond Aid to Fund

Southern Voice Blog

New blog series: Southern voices on the post-2015 development agenda

First Posted on post2015 ⋅ April 1, 2014 Written by Andrea Ordóñez writing for the Southern Voice Initiative, and Gina Bergh on behalf of The debate on the next global development agenda has changed

Southern Voice Blog

The Post-2015 debate: relevant trends for think tanks

Originally posted on “on think tanks“ by Andrea Ordónez on July 1, 2013 [Editor’s note: This is the first of a series of posts that will reflect on the processes

Southern Voice Blog

Five challenges think tanks face to influence international policy

  Originally posted on “on think tanks” by Andrea Ordónez on August 29, 2013 [Editor’s note: This is the second of a series of posts that reflects on the processes

Southern Voice Blog

Why long-term finance is so important for Latin America

Originally published on Development Progress Andrea Ordóñez September 2013 Andrea Ordóñez is Research Coordinator for the Southern Voice initiative. Although discussing how to accelerate the progress on the Millennium Development Goals

Southern Voice Blog

Looking for success: 5 from the Think Tank Initiative

Originally published on On Think Tanks Enrique Mendizabal, an independent researcher and advisor on think tanks and policy research networks mentions Southern Voice on Post-MDGs under the heading of “Collective