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Article: Unpacking the Data Revolution at the Country Level – Initial Findings

Published on the Post-2015 Data Test website on November 11, 2014 By Debapriya Bhattacharya and Kate Higgins On October 14, 15 and 17 2014, the Post-2015 Data Test team came

News Southern Voice Blog

Implementation of SDGs in Tanzania: The Way Forward

The following blog post has been prepared by Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF), Tanzania. For more information on the Stakeholders’ Brainstorming Workshop on SDG Implementation in Tanzania, please click

Southern Voice Blog

Why focus on the first 1000 days of the SDGs?

When ODI and Southern Voice began thinking about how to collaborate during the implementation phase of the SDGs, we decided to take on the challenge of the first 1000 days, which is about three years.

Southern Voice Blog

Article: Tanzania Post-2015 Data Test Report Launched

On February 17, 2016, REPOA released its Post-2015 Data Test report entitled Assessing Data for the Sustainable Development Goals in Tanzania (see report highlights here). Based on consultations with local stakeholders,

Southern Voice Blog

Climate Litigation in India: gaining traction?

The following blog post originally appeared in CPR’s Climate Initiative Blog. For details, please click here.   by Shibani Ghosh The recently concluded negotiations at the Paris COP and the Paris

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Article: Data – Key to successful SDG implementation and monitoring in Senegal

In September 2015, the UN General Assembly formally adopted the new development agenda consisting of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aiming to end poverty and hunger, ensure prosperity and reduce

Southern Voice Blog

Articulating & Operationalizing Differentiation in the 2015 Climate Agreement: A Roadmap for India in Paris

The following blog post originally appeared in CPR’s Climate Initiative Blog. For details, please click here.   by Lavanya Rajamani A central defining issue in the Paris climate negotiations – indeed,

Southern Voice Blog

Towards Paris: Negotiating challenges for India

The following blog post originally appeared in CPR’s Climate Initiative Blog. For details, please click here.   by Lavanya Rajamani The final round of negotiations before the much-touted Paris climate conference

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Article: The quest for a new data ecosystem – Monitoring sustainable development in Bangladesh

  The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be adopted at the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly this week, and will be showcased at the UN Sustainable Development

Southern Voice Blog

Article: Flashy innovations will not fuel the data revolution

Co-lead of the Post-2015 Data Test, Shannon Kindornay, highlights why national statistics offices must be at the heart of the data revolution, and will require long term investments and support