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Combining finance and policies to implement a transformative post-2015 development agenda

Posted on May 8, 2015 The fifth edition of the European Report on Development (ERD 2015), launched in May 2015, has the theme of “Combining finance and policies to implement a transformative

Southern Voice Blog

From ‘System 1’ MDGs to ‘System 2’ SDGs: the wrong way?

Posted on May 11, 2015 This post is written by Jan Vandemoortele, formerly with the UN and co-architect of the MDGs. In his book Thinking, Fast and Slow (2012), Daniel

Southern Voice Blog

Ensuring the SDGs are relevant for high income countries

As part of the Post-2015 Data Test initiative, the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs and the Centre for the Study of Living Standards launched the Canada case study report, Canada 2030: An Agenda for

Southern Voice Blog

Implementing Post-2015 Development Agenda: Bringing Country-Level Perspectives to United Nations

Written by Jenna Slotin, Deputy-Director, Post-2015 Initiative, at the United Nations Foundation, the post first appeared on, administered by the ODI, on 26 November 2014. In today’s world, data form the

Southern Voice Blog

Universality Post-2015 – The Good, the Bad and … the Necessary

Written by Shannon Kindornay, the articles first appeared on the Post 2015 Data Test website in November 2014. Shannon Kindornay is an Adjunct Research Professor at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton

Southern Voice Blog

The Power and Potential of Southern Think Tanks for the Post-2015 Agenda

By Sarah Lucas and Rachel Quint, originally published on the Post-2015 Data Test website in November 2014. Bringing Country-Level Realities to Global Ambitions (Part 2): The Power and Potential of Southern Think

Southern Voice Blog

4 Key Takeaways from the Post-2015 Data Test’s Presentation of Initial Findings

By Rachel Quint and Sarah Lucas, originally published on the Post-2015 Data Test website in November 2014. Bringing Country-Level Realities to Global Ambitions (Part 1): 4 Key Takeaways from the Post-2015 Data

Southern Voice Blog

The challenge of inequity in education: the case of a programme to support free education in Paraguay

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ July 24, 2014 This post was written by Luis Ortiz, researcher at CADEP in Paraguay, a member of the Southern Voice network. This post is based on his research “Policies for an

Southern Voice Blog

The role of social capital in social and labour inclusion (Part 2)

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ July 17, 2014 This is the second of two posts written by Mario Yapu, a researcher at INESAD in Bolivia, a member of theSouthern Voice network. This post is

Southern Voice Blog

The role of social capital in social and labour inclusion (Part 1)

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ July 9, 2014 This is the first of two posts written by Mario Yapu, a researcher at INESAD in Bolivia, member of the Southern Voice network. This post is based