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Moving beyond Limited Access Orders: towards a post-2015 MDG agenda

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ June 25, 2014 This post is written by Shehryar Toru, researcher at SDPI in Pakistan, part of the Southern Voice Initiative. In this post, he challenges how goals and targets are

Southern Voice Blog

Latin America’s agenda post-2015: reduce inequality

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ June 12, 2014 This post has been written by Andrea Ordóñez, Southern Voice’s Research Coordinador. She is based in Ecuador and discusses what Latin America might bring to the post-2015 debate.

Southern Voice Blog

The Common African Position on the Post-2015 Development Agenda: A unique opportunity for Africa to be heard

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ June 4, 2014 This post has been written by Ibrahima Hathie, research director at IPAR Senegal. He is currently working on a study focused on the African position in the

Southern Voice Blog

Alternatives For Development Or Alternatives To Development?

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ May 29, 2014 This post has been written by Mireya Villacís, María Fernanda Mora and Rodrigo López, researchers at CEDA in Ecuador. They are working on a research project that

Southern Voice Blog

Domestic Resource Mobilization: A Financing Option for Sustainable Development in Africa

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ May 22, 2014 This post has been written by Ebere Uneze, executive director at CSEA in Nigeria. He is working on a research project that explores domestic financing options for

Southern Voice Blog

Capacity: the Missing Piece of the Governance Puzzle for the Next Agenda

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ May 15, 2014 This post has been written by Subrat Das, Executive Director of the Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability in India. He has recently launched a new paper

Southern Voice Blog

Education and the Battle against Informality

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ May 13, 2014 This post has been written by Luis Linares and Julio Prado, researchers at ASIES in Guatemala. They have recently launched a paper – Measurement of Progress of Decent

Southern Voice Blog

From MDGs to Post-MDGs: Some Lessons from Sri Lanka

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ May 8, 2014 This post has been written by Ganga Tilakaratna, research fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka. She has recently launched a paper –

Southern Voice Blog

Including girls in the post-2015 agenda: The role of sub-national governments

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ April 30, 2014 This post has been written by Khalida Ghaus, Director of the Social Policy and Development Centre (SPDC) in Pakistan who has just published her paper – Intergovernmental Fiscal

Southern Voice Blog

‘Sustainability’ in the next development agenda: the case of energy access (Part 2)

First Posted by post2015 ⋅ April 24, 2014 This is the second post written by Nihit Goyal, Sahil Ali and Shweta Srinivasan, researchers at CSTEP. They have recently launched a new paper – Sustainable