SV News Alert: June-December 2015

SV News Alert: June-December 2015

Activities of Network Members

Implementing SDGs at the Country-level

International Events

Financing for Development



Recent Publications by SV Partners

Blogs and Op-eds

Équipe du Sénégal, Essai des données après 2015 (2015). Mesurer le développement durable pour l’après-2015 au Sénégal: Points saillants du rapport. L’Essai des données après 2015 site Web. Disponible à

Ghosh, S. (2015). Climate Litigation in India: gaining traction. Centre for Policy Research (CPR) Climate Initiative Blog. Retrieved from

Kapur, A. (2015). Four challenges that India faces in achieving sustainable development goals. Avani Kapur’s blog titled Social Specs, a part of Business Standard’s platform, Punditry. Retrieved from

Khan, T.I. (2015). The quest for a new data ecosystem: Monitoring sustainable development in Bangladesh. Post2015 Data Test and the Southern Voice blog. Retrieved from

Khosla R., Dubash, N.K. & Sharma, K. R. (2015). The Climate for Cuts: What can India take away from China’s Contribution to fight Global Warming? The Indian Express online. Retrieved from  

Kindornay, S. (2015). Flashy innovations will not fuel the data revolution. on behalf of the Post2015 Data Test and the Southern Voice Initiative.

Rajamani, L. (2015). Articulating & Operationalizing Differentiation in the 2015 Climate Agreement: A Roadmap for India in Paris. Centre for Policy Research (CPR) Climate Initiative Blog. Retrieved from

Rajamani, L. (2015). The Climate in Bonn: India needs to revisit its position, nuance it, for a meaningful outcome. The Indian Express Online.

Rajamani, L. (2015). Towards Paris: Negotiating challenges for India. Centre for Policy Research (CPR) Climate Initiative Blog. Retrieved from

Rajamani, L. (2015). What do India’s climate contribution goals mean, and are they implementable? The Economic Times blog. Retrieved from

Sakho-Jimbira, M.S. (2015). Data – Key to successful SDG implementation and monitoring in Senegal. Post2015 Data Test and the Southern Voice blog. Retrieved from

Saran, S. (2015). India opts for caution on climate change strategy. Retrieved from

Saran, S. (2015). Red lines on a green field: What India should do at climate talks. The Hindustan Times Online. Retrieved from

Team Senegal, Post2015 Data Test (2015). Report Highlights of Measuring Sustainable Development for Post-2015 in Senegal. Post-2015 Data Test Website. Retrieved from

Team Sierra Leone, Post2015 Data Test (2015). Report Highlights of Measuring National Priorities for Post-2015 in Sierra Leone. Post-2015 Data Test Website. Retrieved from

Team Bangladesh, Post2015 Data Test (2015). Report Highlights of Measuring for Monitoring: the State of Data for SDGs in Bangladesh. Post-2015 Data Test Website. Retrieved from


Assefa, B., Mihretu, M. and Weldesilassie, W.B. (2015). Value Chain Analyses for a Climate Resilient Production of Cotton and Sugarcane Commodities in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI), Research Report 25. Retrieved from

Bekele, F. & Weldesilassie, A.B. Vulnerability analyses of Climate Change Impact on Cotton and Sugarcane Commodities in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI), Research Report 24. Retrieved from

Bhattacharya, S., Rathi, S. Patro, S. A. & Tepa, N. (2015). Reconceptualising Smart Cities: A Reference Framework for India. Centre for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP), Research report. Retrieved from

Centre for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) and World Institute for Sustainable Energy (WISE). (2015). Addressing the Challenges of RE Manufacturing in India: Horizon 2032. Report of a collaborative project of CSTEP and WISE, supported by the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation. Retrieved from

Centre for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP). (2015). Reconceptualising Smart Cities: A Reference Framework for India (Compendium of Resources). Supplementary document to the research report. Retrieved from

Centre for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP). (2015). Quality of Life for All: A Sustainable Development Framework for India’s Climate Policy. A report for policymakers. Retrieved from

Post-2015 Data Test (2015). Measuring for Monitoring: the State of Data for SDGs in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Country Report. Post-2015 Data Test Website. Retrieved from

Post-2015 Data Test (2015). Measuring National Priorities for Post-2015 in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone Country Report. Retrieved from

Post-2015 Data Test (2015). Measuring Sustainable Development for Post-2015 in Senegal. Senegal Country Report. Post-2015 Data Test Website. Retrieved from

Research Articles & Book Chapters 

Bhattacharya, D. (2015). Role of South-South Cooperation in the Context of the Post-2015 Agenda. In. Boussichas, M. & Guillaumont, P. (Eds.), Financing Sustainable Development: Addressing Vulnerabilities (pp. 91-102). Clermont-Ferrand: Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (Ferdi) in association with Éditions Economica, Paris.  Retrieved from

Byravan, S. and Rajan, S.C. (2015). Sea level rise and climate change exiles: A possible solution.  The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 71(2). Sage Publications. Retrieved from


Southern Voice, Centre for Policy Dialogue and the UN Millennium Campaign (2015). Outcome Document of the Dhaka Expert Group Meeting on Asian Partnership in Financing SDGs. Dhaka: Southern Voice Secretariat. Retrieved from

Khan, J.A. & Biyani, N. The Third International Conference on Financing for Development: Key Debates and Significance in the Indian Context. Policy brief/think piece, Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA). Retrieved from

Niazi, I., Aneel, S.S., & Haroon, U.T. (Eds). (2015). Pathways to Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI)’s anthology of scholarly articles, speeches, essays and academic research papers delivered or presented at the SDPI Annual Seventeenth Sustainable Development Conference (SDC). Retrieved from

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