SV News Alert 19 (Part3) : January – March 2015

SV News Alert 19 (Part3) : January – March 2015

Mkenda, A. & Economic and Social Research Foundation (2014). Tanzania & National Post-MDGs Development Agenda Consultations: The National Synthesis Report. United Republic of Tanzania, President’s Office, Planning Commission. Retrieved from

Sustainable Policy Development Institute (2014). Post 2015 Development Agenda- National Dialogue on Strengthening Capacities and Institutions. Pakistan Consultation Report. Retrieved from

Urama, K., Ozor, N. & Acheampong, E. (2014). Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Through Transformative Governance Practices and Vertical Alignment at the National and Subnational Levels in Africa. Africa Secretariat, African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS) Report. Retrieved from

Post-2015 Data Test (2015). Canada 2030 Report: An Agenda for Sustainable Development. Canada Country Report. Retrieved from

Kindornay, S. (2015). Ensuring the SDGs are relevant for high income countries. Post-2015 Data Test Blog. Retrieved from

Post-2015 Data Test (2015). Canada 2030: An Agenda for Sustainable Development Report Highlights .Post-2015 Data Test Website. Retrieved from

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