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Southern Voice Blog

Implementing Post-2015 Development Agenda: Bringing Country-Level Perspectives to United Nations

Written by Jenna Slotin, Deputy-Director, Post-2015 Initiative, at the United Nations Foundation, the post first appeared on post2015.org, administered by the ODI, on 26 November 2014. In today’s world, data form the

Southern Voice Blog

Looking for success: 5 from the Think Tank Initiative

Originally published on On Think Tanks Enrique Mendizabal, an independent researcher and advisor on think tanks and policy research networks mentions Southern Voice on Post-MDGs under the heading of “Collective

Southern Voice Blog

LDC advice to Europe: ‘Get your house in order’

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: DEBAPRIYA BHATTACHARYA Originally published on devex.com Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya, Chair, Southern Voice on Post-MDGs was interviewed by Richard Jones, Devex Associate Editor on Post-MDG issues in Brussels during

Southern Voice Blog

Southern Voice’s take on the post-MDG era

Originally published on Post2015.org – what comes after the MDGs? Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya, Chair of the Southern Voice on Post-MDGs articulates key points of departure regarding the content and framework

Southern Voice Blog

Post-MDGs (2015): How southern think tanks can take the initiative

Originally published on On Think Tanks Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya, Chair of the Southern Voice on Post-MDGs addresses an interesting challenge for many developing country think tanks in their efforts to