Tag "CEPA"

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Towards inclusive cities: Making UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 work

by Nirmani Liyanage, social researcher on urban development at the Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA), Sri Lanka Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) prioritize human development over physical development. SDG 11 aims


SV’s experts to join SDG discussions at ECOSOC Integration Segment 2017 (8 and 10 May 2017)

Southern Voice’s experts have been invited to address a high-level audience at the ECOSOC Integration Segment 2017 to be held at the UN Headquarters, New York.

Southern Voice Blog

Measuring the SDGs – A dialogue on unpacking the data revolution at country level

Karin Fernando and Krishan Siriwardhana of the Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA), Sri Lanka share their views in this blog on the data revolution and its impact on the SDGs.