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Southern Voice actively involved in T20 initiative

Early this year, the Think 20 (T20) initiative started a new round of policy recommendations to direct the 2018 G20 Leader’s Summit policy making process in Argentina. Under the leadership


Think Tanks from the Global South contribute to Think 20 Argentina 2018

A fresh round of the Think 20 (T20) to generate public policy proposals for the G20 under the Argentine presidency has begun. This year the initiative is chaired by CARI


CIPPEC presents findings on Universal Social Protection at the HLPF

Gala Diaz Langou, Director of Social Protection in CIPPEC – Argentina presented the findings of recent research on social protection and early childhood in Argentina. During the side panel, “Universal

Starting Strong Series

Starting strong: Implementation of the social SDGs in Latin America

This research paper, commissioned as part of the series ‘Starting Strong: the first 1000 days of the SDGs’, identifies key actions toward addressing the unfinished business of the MDGs and