Tag "Global South"

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News Southern Voice Blog

The time is ripe for Southern perspectives

by Andrea Ordóñez, Southern Voice Director Originally published by onthinktanks.org  As the Think Tank Initiative ends, Andrea Ordóñez was invited to give the keynote of the last day at the

News Southern Voice Blog

Will women be a part of India’s future workforce?

Six research projects were chosen for the first “Southern Voice on the State of the Sustainable Development Goals” (SVSS)report. Today we present the proposed research by PAC India (Public Affairs Centre),


Rethinking the future of development effectiveness

Southern Voice is planning a programme to produce new knowledge, opportunities for diverse dialogues and agreements, on the future of development effectiveness. Southern Voice will approach the question of the


Six country studies are part of the State of the SDGs Initiative

The Southern Voice Secretariat is pleased to announce the six research projects chosen for the first “Southern Voice on the State of the Sustainable Development Goals” report. The selected proposals

Southern Voice Blog

Toward an African Data Revolution

Posted by post2015 ⋅ May 1, 2015 This blog post is written by Rachel Quint, Program Fellow, Global Development and Population Programme, at the Hewlett Foundation. As Sarah wrote in her

Southern Voice Blog

Toward an African Data Revolution

Posted on May 1, 2015 This blog post is written by Rachel Quint, Program Fellow, Global Development and Population Programme, at the Hewlett Foundation. As Sarah wrote in her recent blog post,