Tag "mdgs"

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New Development Landscape and its Challenges

by Maryam Almasifard, Development Specialist This blog post looks at the challenges and shifts that the development landscape has experienced over the last decade. It argues for the need of

News Southern Voice Blog

The quest to measure South-South cooperation

by Prof. Neissan A. Besharati This year marks forty years of the adoption of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action (BAPA). So it is no coincidence that I have spent


Innovative Approaches for follow‐up and review of the Sustainable Development Goals: Is There a Role for Southern Think Tanks?

United Nations Foundation, New York, New York On September 22, 2015, Southern Voice and the United Nations Foundation hosted a small informal brainstorm on follow‑up and review for the SDGs,

Southern Voice Blog

What’s measured is also political

Posted by bwtritton ⋅ May 29, 2015 This post is written by Amina Khan, Research Officer, Growth, Poverty and Inequality, and Elizabeth Stuart, Research Fellow, Growth, Poverty and Inequality, ODI

Southern Voice Blog

Is a Data Revolution underway, and if so, who will benefit?

Posted on April 28, 2015   Written by Ricardo Fuentes-Nieva, Oxfam’s Head of Research, at the ODI’s Cartagena Data Festival, on Oxfam’s From Poverty To Power blog A spectre is haunting


Understanding the role of social exclusion in progress towards MDGs for the excluded groups

   The paper focuses on discrimination, inequality and poverty. It proposes to look deeper into the reasons for the gap between discriminated groups and ‘the rest’ to get some recommendations.