Tag "post-2015"

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Measuring Post-2015 Sustainable Development in Senegal Phase II Follow-up Study

This report presents the results of Phase II of the Post-2015 Data Test initiative. It aims to address the challenges and opportunities, identified in the pilot study, for measuring and


SDGs as Citizens’ Agenda: Stress Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are not only an agenda belonging to either the government, private sector or civil societies but those should

Southern Voice Blog

We leave Sendai with a new global deal on disaster risk, but does it go far enough?

Posted on March 25, 2015 Written by Dr Emily Wilkinson, Research Fellow in the Climate and Environment Programme at the Overseas Development Institute. No one going into the Sendai negotiations this

Southern Voice Blog

Open for business: the sustainable development goals need money—the right kind of money

Posted on March 24, 2015 Written by Allan Lerberg Jørgensen, Director of Human Rights and Development at the Danish Institute for Human Rights. Everyone agrees that the post-2015 sustainable development agenda needs

Southern Voice Blog

ODI and World Bank report finds that managing disaster risks can bring other benefits, even if catastrophe never strikes

Posted on⋅ March 16, 2015 Written by Thomas Tanner, Research Fellow at Overseas Development Institute This week, the UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan kicks off

Southern Voice Blog

Failure to link up with other global agreements in 2015 could spell disaster for Sendai deal

Posted on March 13, 2015 Written by Tom Mitchell, Head of the Climate and Environment programme at the Overseas Development Institute in London. Every ten years Japan plays host to the

Southern Voice Blog

Paraguay’s new National Development Plan targets Social Progress

Posted on March 12, 2015   By Jose R. Molinas Vega, Ph.D, Minister-Secretary of Planning for Economic and Social Development. Republic of Paraguay Last December the Paraguayan Government agreed on

Southern Voice Blog

Financing the Post-2015 education agenda – how to ensure there are enough resources to get all children in school and learning?

Posted on March 12, 2015   Written by Rob Doble, Education Adviser in Save the Children’s policy and advocacy division and Yousra Semmache Education Policy & Advocacy Assistant, Save the Children UK

Southern Voice Blog

Ensuring the SDGs are relevant for high income countries

Posted on February 27, 2015 Written by Shannon Kindornay, an Adjunct Research Professor at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University. She is also member of the Post-2015 Data

Southern Voice Blog

A Test of the Commitment to Access Plus Learning

Posted on January 21, 2015 Written by Ruth Levine, Global Development and Population Program Director at the Hewlett Foundation on the the Hewlett Foundation Blog. “The bell has rung. Civil society