Tag "SDGs"

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How Uganda can raise sustainable finances for the implementation of the SDGs

by Brian Sserunjogi, Research Fellow EPRC This blog highlights potential financing sources that Uganda can tap into for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the country. Uganda


International workshop and dialogue on policy coherence for sustainable development

From 12 to 14 September, ECDPM, Southern Voice and the German Development Institute (DIE) will host a two-day workshop and a multi-stakeholder dialogue on policy coherence for sustainable development. The events will take

News Southern Voice Blog

Navigating Through Life: Young Lives Study Peru

by Vanessa Rojas The qualitative approach of the Young Lives study in Peru has been able to capture the changes in the biographies of 51 children. Their voices allow us

News Southern Voice Blog

Towards decent employment for out-of-school young persons in rural Uganda

by Mildred Barungi, Research Fellow EPRC This blog post looks at the situation of working teenagers (age 14-17) in rural Uganda and how the Government could improve their living and employment

News Southern Voice Blog

Engaging stakeholders to increase safety in public transportation in El Salvador

by Margarita Beneke de Sanfeliú (with inputs from Mario Chávez and Marjorie de Trigueros) In this blog for Southern Voice the Fundación Salvadoreña para el Desarrollo Económico y Social (FUSADES)

News Southern Voice Blog

Achieving quality education for all in Nigeria

By Onome Oraka, Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa (CSEA) Quality education is a crucial tool for improving the prospects of higher income levels for individuals, and


Rethinking the future of development effectiveness

Southern Voice is planning a programme to produce new knowledge, opportunities for diverse dialogues and agreements, on the future of development effectiveness. Southern Voice will approach the question of the

SV in the Media

Research teams from six countries launch report on SDGs

by: The Sunday Times Sri Lanka Six research teams from the global south – Ghana, Nigeria, Bolivia, Peru, India and Sri Lanka – along with a core group of experts, met


National Group for Strategic Thinking on SDGs established in Ecuador

As part of the ODS Territorio Ecuador initiative led by FFLA and Grupo FARO, the “Group for Strategic Thinking on the SDGs” has been recently established, with a focus on

SV in the Media

Debt and Systemic Concerns of the Developing Countries: Rising Debt in Nigeria

To achieve the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030, governments need to align their fiscal policies to their development plans and put in place sound macroeconomic policies and sustainable debt management.