Tag "South-South Cooperation"

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The quest to measure South-South cooperation

by Prof. Neissan A. Besharati This year marks forty years of the adoption of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action (BAPA). So it is no coincidence that I have spent


Rethinking the future of development effectiveness

Southern Voice is planning a programme to produce new knowledge, opportunities for diverse dialogues and agreements, on the future of development effectiveness. Southern Voice will approach the question of the


Register for HLPF Side Event on South-South Cooperation, 13 July 2018

South-South cooperation (SSC) has grown in quantum and geographic reach, through a diversity of approaches, modalities and instruments, constituting an important complementary source of financing and partnerships for sustainable development.


Methodology Meeting on South-South and Triangular Cooperation and Strategy Meeting on the Future of Southern Voice

Participants List | Programme Schedule  Southern Voice to explore Second Generation issues of South-South Cooperation (12-13 October 2015) South-South Cooperation (SSC) has been identified as a potential source of development inputs for