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News Southern Voice Blog

Five Questions for New Metrics to Assess Development Effectiveness

by Mustafizur Rahman and Sherajum Monira Farin There is an urgent need to revisit the metrics of assessing development effectiveness of development cooperation. It is underpinned by significant changes in

News Southern Voice Blog

The quest to measure South-South cooperation

by Prof. Neissan A. Besharati This year marks forty years of the adoption of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action (BAPA). So it is no coincidence that I have spent

News Southern Voice Blog

Why do we need to rethink Development Effectiveness?

by Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya & Sarah Sabin Khan, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) This is the first of a series of articles of Southern Voice’s new programme on development effectiveness.

News Southern Voice Blog

South-South Cooperation: Does it listen to the people who receive its aid?

by Farida Tchaitchian Bena (re-publication from kiliza.org) This year marks my twentieth anniversary of working in the humanitarian and development sector. It is obviously a time for reflection, not just