Tag "sustainable development"

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News Southern Voice Blog

Harnessing Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Development Effectiveness

By Emmanuel Letouzé and Micol Stock The development effectiveness landscape has been significantly transformed since the two major milestones of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness in 2005 and the

News Southern Voice Blog

Bolivia, the Latin American Cinderella

by Lily Peñaranda. Southern Voice’s Rethinking Development Effectiveness project aims to understand how new actors and dynamics are shaping the global development cooperation arena today. For this, Bolivia was selected


International workshop and dialogue on policy coherence for sustainable development

From 12 to 14 September, ECDPM, Southern Voice and the German Development Institute (DIE) will host a two-day workshop and a multi-stakeholder dialogue on policy coherence for sustainable development. The events will take


Measuring Post-2015 Sustainable Development in Senegal Phase II Follow-up Study

This report presents the results of Phase II of the Post-2015 Data Test initiative. It aims to address the challenges and opportunities, identified in the pilot study, for measuring and

UNF Alert

UNF Special Alert

In lieu of the July/August Monitors, the UN Foundation recorded a Podcast with the editor of UN Dispatch, and circulated Highlights from the SDGs Summit.   Highlights from the SDGs