Tag "Sustainable Development Goals"

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Will women be a part of India’s future workforce?

Six research projects were chosen for the first “Southern Voice on the State of the Sustainable Development Goals” (SVSS)report. Today we present the proposed research by PAC India (Public Affairs Centre),

News Southern Voice Blog

From Planning to Implementation: Raising Awareness on the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Sri Lanka

By Yolanthika Ellepola, Research Assistant at Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka, IPS This blog post discusses a component vital for the success of the Sustainable Goals (SDGs) in


Towards an Action Plan for Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals in Turkey

Monitoring the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires a considerable amount of data. Regardless of their level of development, most countries’ statistical services demand some adaptation or improvement

Southern Voice Blog

Article: Tanzania Post-2015 Data Test Report Launched

On February 17, 2016, REPOA released its Post-2015 Data Test report entitled Assessing Data for the Sustainable Development Goals in Tanzania (see report highlights here). Based on consultations with local stakeholders,


Innovative Approaches for follow‐up and review of the Sustainable Development Goals: Is There a Role for Southern Think Tanks?

United Nations Foundation, New York, New York On September 22, 2015, Southern Voice and the United Nations Foundation hosted a small informal brainstorm on follow‑up and review for the SDGs,