Tag "uganda"

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Non-traditional aid in Uganda: Weighing private vs public priorities

by Job Lakal, Research Analyst, Macroeconomics at Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) Between July and November 2018, I had the opportunity to study the political economy of development effectiveness in

News Southern Voice Blog

The cost of climate change to Uganda’s coffee sector

by Florence Nakazi, Research Analyst, EPRC This blog post looks at the impact of climate change on Uganda’s primary export crop-coffee. It gives recommendations on how the government could combat

News Southern Voice Blog

How Uganda can raise sustainable finances for the implementation of the SDGs

by Brian Sserunjogi, Research Fellow EPRC This blog highlights potential financing sources that Uganda can tap into for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the country. Uganda

News Southern Voice Blog

Towards decent employment for out-of-school young persons in rural Uganda

by Mildred Barungi, Research Fellow EPRC This blog post looks at the situation of working teenagers (age 14-17) in rural Uganda and how the Government could improve their living and employment