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UNF Alert

UNF Special Alert

In lieu of the July/August Monitors, the UN Foundation recorded a Podcast with the editor of UN Dispatch, and circulated Highlights from the SDGs Summit.   Highlights from the SDGs

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UNF Alert 13

June Monthly Monitor: FfD agreement goes to Addis Financing for Development Negotiations on the Addis Outcome Document The FfD negotiations were meant to wrap up on June 19, but after

UNF Alert

UNF Alert 12

May Monitor: FfD Revised Draft, Post-2015 Follow up/Review, Targets, Indicators   FfD Negotiations on the Revised Draft FfD negotiations during the month of May offered delegates an initial opportunity to

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UNF Alert 11

Joint Post-2015-FfD session, Debate on Zero Draft for Addis, Next Steps With the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD) in Addis Ababa just three months away, in April

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UNF Alert 10

FfD Zero Draft, March Negotiations, FfD/Post-2015 Relationship Financing for Development (FfD): Zero Draft On March 16, the FfD Co-facilitators released the zero draft of the Addis Ababa Accord, a major

UNF Alert

UNF Alert 9

Negotiations on the Post-2015 Declaration On February 17-20, member states debated the elements of the Declaration for the post-2015 agenda– the narrative and vision of the agenda. If the goals

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UNF Alert 8

Post-2015 Co-Facilitators and New Summit Dates Announced The President of the General Assembly (PGA) has appointed Ambassador Donoghue of Ireland and Ambassador Kamau of Kenya to co-chair the intergovernmental negotiations

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UNF Alert 7

June OWG session The OWG’s June session operated primarily in informal sessions, which allowed member states to have more of a dialogue, commenting on goal and target proposals one-by-one, and consulting

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UNF Alert 6

Post-2015 Update – March 2014 The March OWG session provided member states an opportunity to provide initial comments on the first draft of a “focus areas” document. In the April session, member

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UNF Alert 5

Post-2015 Update   Open Working Group on SDGs Fifth session (November 25-27): This session, which was the first following the OWG’s four-month hiatus, focused on two groups of themes: 1) sustained