Southern Voice Occasional Paper Series launched

As part of its strategic outreach and engagement activities, Southern Voice on Post-MDG International Development Goals has launched the ‘Southern Voice Occasional Paper Series’ in April 2013. The series will bring out papers based on inputs received at various platforms of the initiative.


The series was inaugurated with a Special Issue containing the outcome document of the agenda setting Dhaka Expert Group Meeting of the network (held in Dhaka on 11-13 January 2013) titled ‘First Approximations on Post-MDG International Development Goals’. This document was initially prepared as a contribution towards preparation of the report by the UN High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.


The following two papers are also brought out under the series:


Paper 1: Rehman Sobhan: ‘Designing MDGs for a Most Just World’

Paper 2: David Hulme: ‘The Post-2015 Development Agenda: Learning from the MDGs’

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