Southern Voice’s experts share data perspectives with the Global Daily

The Southern Voice network’s eminent data and development experts recently engaged in discussions with the Global Daily on how better data could impact the delivery of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the country-level in Pakistan, Senegal and Turkey, and on the importance of the UN World Data Forum at large.

As part of their series on data, in partnership with Southern Voice, the Global Daily is continuing to discuss with experts the impacts of better data in achieving the SDGs.


Data in Pakistan: The Importance of Accessibility and Transparency


Originally posted in the Global Daily on 18 January, 2017 by Claire Baumann, Senior Editor at the Global Daily.

Saadiya Razzaq from the Southern Voice think tank network discusses the importance of the World Data Forum.




From Senegal: Data Gaps in Governance


Originally posted in the Global Daily on 18 January, 2017 by Claire Baumann, Senior Editor at the Global Daily.

Southern Voice’s network member, Maam Suwadu Sakho-Jimbira from Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale (IPAR), offers her perspective from Senegal on data gaps.



View from Turkey: The biggest data gaps are in the environment, and safety and security related areas


Originally posted in the Global Daily on 18 January, 2017 by Claire Baumann, Senior Editor at the Global Daily.

Southern Voice think tank partner Mehmet Arda on why the World Data Forum is crucial to sustainable development.



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