The present paper provides a baseline assessment of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)-related data needs for Bangladesh. This is based on the final list of indicators proposed in a meeting of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group (IAEG) on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators. The paper finds that, in the case Bangladesh, data is available (readily, as well as not readily) for 128 indicators out of a total of 209 applicable indicators (61.2 per cent). The study also identifies potential sources for those indicators for which data is not currently available. In order to be able to measure SDG-related indicators and appropriately monitor their implementation, the study calls for a ‘Data Action Plan for Bangladesh.’ This paper proposes the possible establishment of a specialised taskforce, under the aegis of the Ministry of Planning, to coordinate the required ‘Data Revolution’ initiatives that need to be undertaken by numerous institutions and other actors. The taskforce, which should include both state and non-state experts, may be vested with responsibilities including ensuring methodological coherence, maintaining the high quality of data, and undertaking widespread dissemination of data and information. This taskforce may also be entrusted with the responsibility to liaise with global initiatives to implement SDG-related Data Revolution at the country level.
Authors: Mustafizur Rahman, Towfiqul Islam Khan, Md. Zafar Sadique and Mostafa Amir Sabbih
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