After the post-2015 HLP report: responses from around the world

Southern Voice and CPD’s joint event with ODI

6 June, 2013, Thursday, 2:30 – 4:00pm (GMT+01 (BST))

The UN Secretary General appointed the High-Level Panel (HLP), to advise him on the post-2015 agenda, reports on 30th May. This much hyped report is expected to meet the aspirations of the many groups and individuals who have contributed to the debate around post-2015 chart a politically effective way forward for governments. This event will provide a wonderful chance for a global audience coming from all corners to discuss the report with each other and with two key panel members. It will be held simultaneously in London, Nairobi, Dhaka and Bogotá. In each location, an audience and speakers will discuss the report with each other and with participants in the other locations, to provide a global response. In Nairobi, Betty Maina, Chief Executive of the Kenyan Association of Manufacturers, and member of the HLP, will present the report and answer questions. In London, Amina Mohammed, the Secretary General’s special advisor on post-2015 and ex officio member of the HLP, will offer her reflections on the report. In Dhaka, Dr. Debapriya Bhatacharya, Chair, Southern Voice on Post-MDG along with a number of eminent panelists will take part in the discussion and question & answer session. As well as responding to the HLP report, the event will provide an opportunity to consider its implications for the intergovernmental negotiations on post-2015 goals in the Open Working Group, and the lead up to the UN special event on the MDGs and post-2015 in September 2013.




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