Group Photo: EGM on Asian Partnership in Financing SDGs
Dhaka, 16-17 May 2015 – The Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on Asian Partnership in Financing SDGs, organised by Southern Voice and the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), in partnership with the UN Millennium Campaign, has concluded successfully. The two-day event was held at the BRAC Centre Inn and attended by scholars and policy activists from Asia, government officials, development partners and representatives of the media. View Outcome Document.
The EGM provided a platform for various stakeholders to debate and consolidate analytical understanding of how the SDGs could be financed in the Asian region with its heterogenic features, with a special focus on three thematic areas: the Asian Experience on Public Private Partnership (PPP); Role of Overseas Remittances in Promoting Growth and Alleviating Poverty in Asia; and Financing Data and Information Needs for Monitoring and Accountability Mechanism of the Post-2015 Agenda. An overarching framework for examining the practical scope for financing development in the Asian region was also presented at the opening session, which was a public event.
The EGM was organised prior to the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD3) to generate recommendations for the key actors of the Addis Process. The Outcome Document was prepared in order to be later disseminated through a side event in Addis.
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