Call for contributions on the post-2015 debate – Based on existing research

Research Grant Phase Two

The Southern Voice on Post-MDGs International Development Goals initiative aims to take the rich knowledge available with the think tanks in the Global South and link it to the global debate on the post-MDG international development goals (see for details This will entail leveraging the existing research and analysis directly relating to the MDG problematique as well as outputs having indirect implications for the on-going debates on the post-MDG. In this connection, Southern Voice seeks to support a process of reinterpretation of relevant existing outputs of the network members so as to produce academic articles and policy papers as contributions to the post-MDG discourse.

Objectives. The main objective of this activity of the Southern Voice is to support researchers to reframe and reflect on their research and its derived conclusions, lessons and recommendation to feed into the evolving post-2015 development agenda. In the process, Southern Voice hopes to reach out to a broader international development community and maximize the impact of the outputs of the network.

Deliverables. In this connection, the following two inter-related outputs are expected from the engaged researchers based on their concept note.

(i)           An analytical paper that can be published in the Southern Voice Occasional Paper series; The paper may be later published in peer reviewed journal with proper acknowledgement to the Southern Voice.


(ii)         A short note for dissemination through website and blogs.

Thematic Scope. The expected outputs will be focusing on any of the 11 clusters of themes given below.

  1. Growth, income, including investment in productive capacities, decent work and social protection
  2. Inequalities (across all dimensions, including gender and physically challenged)
  3. Macroeconomic policies, trade, investment, finance, technology, intellectual property right
  4. Sustainable agriculture and food security, nutrition (including drought, desertification, land degradation)
  5. Health, sanitation and water (including issues covered by MDGs 4, 5, 6, plus non communicable diseases.
  6. Population dynamics including ageing, international and internal migration, and urbanisation.
  7. Education – primary, secondary, tertiary and vocational
  8. Environmental sustainability, linking MDGs and SDGs, poverty related implications of environment, access to energy, biodiversity, climate change
  9. Public Policy, Governance and Institutions (national, regional, global)
  10. Conflict and fragility, vulnerability of LDCs and SIDS (including post-conflict countries, and those prone to natural disasters)
  11. Development partnership and finance for development including the role of national grants and international development partners, NGOs and CSOs, private sector, public representatives; and covering ODA and non-ODA finance.

The above-mentioned themes closely proximate the broad framework of the ongoing post-MDGs discussions. Researchers are encouraged to take a cross-country synthesis approach that will allow them to take a new perspective on their work from the post-2015 perspectives. Researchers wishing to focus in on a specific issue within the broad post-MDG framework based on their more specialised areas of interest are invited to present their proposal with a short justification on the relevance of their chosen topic. Proposals are also welcome that bring methodological diversity or innovation to their reflection and analysis on the proposed topic.

This call will prioritize research that can foster innovative ways to overcome the challenges of developing the new development agenda instead of mere diagnosis of the current state of development. This call also values research that identifies current gaps in the discussion that if tackled appropriately could help the post-MDG discussion move forward.

Submission guidelines.

  1. Researchers from the 48 member institutions of the Southern Voice (TTI grantees) are invited to send a concept note on their intended output and approach (approximately 600-800 words). We suggest linking (or attaching) examples of existing documents from the research that will be the basis for the paper.
  2. The expected paper will have a length of 5000 – 7000 words (without annexes). The short piece for communication purposes should be ideally of 500-1000 words.
  3. The submitted proposals as well as the outputs will be reviewed by a set of distinguished experts drawn from the Southern Voice member institutions and beyond.
  4. The selected researchers will receive US$ 1500 (US Dollar fifteen hundred only) to carry out their work through a contract with Southern Voice Secretariat located at the Centre for Policy and Dialogue (CPD) (
  5. The total number of awards will be 10 (ten).

Timeline. The important milestones of the call are given below.

Activities Dates
Deadline to submit proposals 17 June 2013
Notifications on selected proposals 7 July 2013
Submission of draft paper 15 August 2013
Review of draft papers August – September 2013
Submission of communications output 30 August 2013
Delivery of final draft of the papers 30 October 2013


Next Call. A second call for new and original research proposal on post-MDG issues will be announced shortly.

Contact. For submission of proposals and for any query, please contact Andrea Ordóñez <>, Research Coordinator, Southern Voice on Post-MDG.


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