CSTEP’s Climate Worldwide

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The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) – India, a partner institute of the Southern Voice network, has recently undertaken the initiative of tracking Editorials and Op-Eds on climate change from top newspapers in Australia, Brazil, China, India, Russia, South Africa, UK and USA. Issues of Climate Worldwide are cross-posted on the website of Southern Voice alongside being disseminated via email.


CSTEP’s Take on Climate Worldwide 
Issue 1 (July 15-31, 2015)
Issue 2 (August 1-15, 2015)
Issue 3 (August 15-31, 2015)
– Issue 4 (September 1-15, 2015)
– Issue 5 (September 15-30, 2015)
Issue 6 (October 1-15, 2015)
Issue 7 (October 15-31, 2015)
Issue 8 (November 1-15, 2015
Issue 9 (November 15-30, 2015)
Issue 10 (December 1-15, 2015)
Issue 11 (Decemeber 15-31, 2015)
Issue 12 (January 1-15, 2016)




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