Karin Fernando (CEPA – Sri Lanka) participates in the Second Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development in Bangkok

karin-fernando_CEPAA member of the Southern Voice network, Karin Fernando, participated in the Second Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) in Bangkok on 17-22 May 2015.

Karin is a member of the UNESCAP – Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism (RCEM) and also serves as a member of its Advisory Group. She was part of the team that organised the sessions (as part of the Advisory Group), facilitated one of the sessions at the CSO meeting and helped draft the statement to UNEP on the need to integrate environment and equity adequately into the SDGs.

View the statements made at the APFSD – ministerial meeting by the RCEM members here

The RCEM also prepared a statement for the ongoing Third International Conference on Financing for Development in Addis and is hosting a side event there.

Karin Fernando is a Senior Research Professional at a partner organisation of the Southern Voice network, Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA) – Sri Lanka

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