National Level Implications of Implementing the SDGs in Tanzania

National Level Implications of Implementing the SDGs in Tanzania

SV-OP-31-coverThis study investigated the progress towards formulating, adopting and implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Tanzania. The 15 years of implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Tanzania proved that the country still needs to do more to eradicate poverty. Inadequate budgetary resources had been one of the major hurdles encountered during MDGs implementation. The present study reveals that dependence on traditional sources of financing had been the major reason for the country’s failure to effectively finance its development agenda. It is therefore recommended that the government explores non-traditional revenue sources for financing of the SDGs such as public-private partnerships (PPPs). Integrating and mainstreaming the SDGs in Tanzania’s national planning process can only be effective by strengthening the capacities of all key players identified in the planning process. Thus, the government and other important stakeholders should develop the capacities of the local government officials and allocate sufficient financial resources for effective mainstreaming and integration of the SDGs
to the grassroots level.

Author: Oswald Mashindano, Solomon Baregu



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