Phase 1 : Research Call 1
SV Research Grant Phase 1: Call 1
Southern Voice on Post-MDGs International Development Goals resolved to take the wealth of knowledge available with think tanks in the Global South and link it to post-2015 global debate. This involved leveraging the existing research and analyses directly related to the MDG problematique as well as outputs having indirect implications for the on-going debates on the post-2015 agenda. In this connection, Southern Voice researchers were invited to submit research proposals on key issues related to the post-2015 international development agenda.
While the discourse on the post-2015 goals was at a crucial stage, key input reports were prepared and consultations took place across the globe. In September 2013, the UN General Assembly held a special session on the post-2015 framework and issues. The Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals was required to develop its recommendation by March 2014 and the negotiations would start in September 2014. In this context, Southern Voice aimed to contribute to the evolving discourse drawing on its unique vision on national and regional development processes and its evidence based policy perspectives.
One of the main objectives of the activity plan of the Southern Voice was to address the existing knowledge asymmetry in the global development discourse by infusing fresh perspectives and insights originating from Southern think tanks. In the process, Southern Voice hoped to reach out to a broader international development community and maximize the impact of the network’s outputs.The testament of the outcome of this process will be published as a compendium of high quality research papers by an internationally reputed publisher.
Research Awards
Southern Voice extended ten research awards to its network members to service one of the objectives laid out in its Vision Document.
The following researchers were awarded grants to produce policy papers based on their existing work.
- María Ester Ortega, Asociación de Investigación y Estudios Sociales (ASIES), Guatemala. “Now, we need quality in education”.
- Nihit Goyal, Ms.Shweta Srinivasan and Mr. Mohd Sahil Ali, Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP), India. “Sustainable Access for All Buildingsustainibility into universal energy access”.
- Mr Ajaya Dixitand Suvechha Khadka, Institute for Social and Environmental Transition, Nepal (ISET-N). “Changing intersection among ecosystem, society and development goals: An examination for improved policy making”.
- John K. Kwakye, Institute of Economic Affairs – Ghana (IEA-Ghana). “Looking beyond aid to fund Africa’s development”.
- Luis Felipe Linaresand Mr. Julio Prado, Asociación de Investigación y Estudios Sociales (ASIES), Guatemala. “Measurement of progress of decent work and its support to achieving MDGs”.
- Nidhi S. Sabharwal, Director, Indian Institute of Dalit Studies (IIDS), India. “Understanding the role of social exclusion in hunger: Analysis of MDGs for the excluded groups in India”.
- Ganga Manjari Tilakaratna– Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Sri Lanka. “Social Protection for the Poor and Vulnerable in Sri Lanka”.
- Dr. Khalida Ghaus and Muhammad Sabir– Social Policy & Development Centre (SPDC), Pakistan. “Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers and Gender Sensitive Education Financing”.
- Bitrina Diyamett and Musambya Mutambala– Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Research Organization (STIPRO), Tanzania. “Is the Current Booming Growth in Africa Worth Celebrating?: Some Evidence from Tanzania”.
- Subrat Das– Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA), India. “Good Governance and Effective Institutions”: Can we afford to ignore ‘Capacity’ issues?”
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