Phase 1 : Research Call 2

SV Research Grant Phase 1: Call 2


Southern Voice on Post-MDGs International Development Goals resolved to take the wealth of knowledge available with the think tanks in the Global South and link it to the global post-2015 discourse. This involved leveraging the existing research and analyses directly related to the MDG problematique as well as outputs having indirect implications for the on-going post-2015 debate. In this connection, Southern Voice researchers were invited to submit research proposals on new or emerging issues related to the post-2015 international development agenda.



One of the main objectives of Southern Voice is to address the existing knowledge asymmetry in the global development discourse by infusing fresh perspectives and insights originating from Southern think tanks. The outcome of this process will be a high-quality compendium of peer reviewed policy papers to be published by the Southern Voice.



Researchers from the Southern Voice network were invited to submit proposals of original research study on any of the thematic clusters mentioned below.

  1. Framework Issues
  • Trade-offs between on a post-MDG framework that builds on the unfinished MDGs agenda and new development concerns and a broader, more sustainability-focused SDGs framework
  • Balance between different emerging thematic or sectoral priorities for post-2015 framework
  • Accommodating development concerns of countries with special needs within a universal goal framework
  • Coherence of post-2015 framework with other international covenants
  1. Goals, Targets, Indicators
  • The choice of Goals, Targets and Indicators for different types of countries (countries special needs, LDCs, MICs) in the context of the post-MDGs
  • Exploring the interdependence and synergy of different goals and targets in the post-2015 framework
  • Data and measurement: data gaps for measuring a broader, more ambitious set of post-2015 goals
  1. Resources and Implementation through Other (non-finance) Means (IOMs)
  • Finances for achieving post-2015 Goals and Targets: ODA, Debt Relief, Domestic Resource Mobilsation, Remittances, FDIs and different forms of innovative finance
  • Efficiency gains through reforms of global and regional institutions, rules and regulations particularly in the areas of Trade, Finance, Technology Transfer, IPR and Climate Change
  • Opportunities and challenges of South-South cooperation
  1. Implementation Modalities: Intuitions and Partnerships
  • Role of Private Sector institutions think tanks, CSOs, Corporate and Trade Bodies) in attaining the post-MDGs
  • Role of public-private partnerships in implementing actions to attain the post-MDGs
  • Role of independent monitoring of the Goals, Targets and Indicators in the context of the post-MDGs


Research Awards

Southern Voice extended eleven research awards to its network members to produce policy papers on new and emerging issues of the post-2015 agenda. The grantees and their respective outputs are given below.

  1. Dr. Ibrahima Hathie, Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale (IPAR), Senegal. “The post-2015 development agenda: Favorable enough to Africans?”.
  2. Dr.Boris S. Branisa Caballero and Carolina Ivonne Cardona Cabrera, Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Desarrollo (INESAD). “Social Institutions gender inequality in fragile state: Are they relevant for the post-MDG debate?”.
  3. Dr. Eberechukwu Fortunate Uneze, Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa, Nigeria. “Exploring Domestic Financing Options for Post-2015 Development Agenda in Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries”.
  1. Mireya Anabell Villacis Taco, Centro Ecuatoriano de Derecho Ambiental (CEDA) and Professor María Fernanda Mora Garcés, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador. “The Post 2015 agenda: Can development be measured equally in all countries alike?”
  1. Dr. Shehryar Khan, Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), Islamabad, Pakistan. “Development Policy failure in Pakistan: institutional and governance challenges”.
  1. Mr Towfiqul Islam Khan and Mr Mashfique Ibne Akbar, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka. “Illicit Financial Flow in view of Financing the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Goal Setting and Catalysing Long-Term Finance”.
  1. Dr Fahmida Akter Khatun, and Mr Muhammad Al Amin, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka. “Determinants of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Least Developed Countries: Lessons for Post – 2015 Development Planning”.
  1. Dr. Pradeep Agrawal, Institute of Economic Growth, India. “Can Foreign Portfolio Investment Contribute To Post 2015 Development Goals in South Asia”.
  1. Dr Werner Hernani-Limarino, and Mr Wilson Leonardo Jimenez Pozo, ARU Foundation, Bolivia, “Mind the data Gap: Evaluating the MDGs’ Contribution to the improvement of statistical capacities and data availability in Bolivia”.
  1. Ms Petra Karin Fernando, Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA), Sri Lanka. “Growth within natural limits: the debates, propositions and possibilities”.
  1. Dr. Vagisha Gunasekara, Center for Poverty Analysis (CEPA). “Life on the Margins: Putting Inequality at the Heart of Post-2015 Development Agenda”.

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Categories: Phase 1

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