Phase 2 : Research Call 3
Southern Voice – Phase 2: Research Call 3
This call is now closed. See outcomes: Research Outputs | Regional Dialogues
Southern Voice on Post-MDG International Development Goals (SV) and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) are collaborating on a set of research and events focused on identifying priority early actions on the SDGs, which will not only address the unfinished business of the MDGs but also how to reach those who are furthest behind in relation to the SDGs.
SV and ODI have launched a joint call for research papers which will help frame broader discussions on prioritization, and will serve as background to three regional dialogues taking place across Africa, Asia and Latin America between January and April 2016, followed by a global flagship event on SDG implementation later in 2016.
These papers will provide input to a wider conversation around priority actions for the first three years of the SDGs – just over 1000 days – with relevant stakeholders in each region, and serve as inputs for a global report to inform proposed early actions in the first years of the SDG era. By identifying possible windows of opportunity for significant change, along with current constraints, an agenda for action focused on each region’s particular needs can begin to be debated.
For more information, please visit
For questions and submissions, please contact Andrea Ordóñez (Southern Voice) at and Suzi Nandera (ODI) at
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