Phase 2: Research Call 1

Southern Voice – Phase 2: Research Call 1


This call is now closed. Four countries – Bangladesh, Senegal, Tanzania and Turkey – are preparing country level action plans for addressing the capacity gaps and data deficits as regards the implementation of the SDGs. Building on the conclusions and recommendations of their previous country studies prepared under Post-2015 Data Test, data action plans are being developed for Bangladesh by the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), for Senegal by Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale (IPAR), for Tanzania by REPOA-Policy Research for Development, and by Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM) by Turkey. Once available, the four country-level data action plans will be posted here.

As the Data Test initiative is coming to a close Southern Voice is planning to undertake a follow up project based on the learning outcomes of the Data Test Initiative. This follow up project “Strengthening Voice, Building Capacities and Expanding Outreach of the Southern Think Tanks in Shaping the Post-2015 International Development Goals”, has been designed to consolidate earlier works of SV as well as to address new issues related to the post-2015 agenda. We have received support from Hewlett Foundation for this project. These country studies will be implemented by the network partners of the Southern Voice from the earlier phase. The four follow-up country studies will be implemented in Bangladesh, Peru, Senegal and Tanzania- so as to develop a more detailed “action plan” to address the gaps identified in the course of the Data Test exercise.

Through this exercise, Southern Voice would like to interact with the national governments of the respective countries to contribute towards the data-related preparation of these country towards implementation of post-2015 agenda. The exercise will also highlight the concrete support mechanisms that will need to be designed at the global level to help developing countries in this regard. It will also try to generate an overview of the envisaged national action plans.

In this regard Southern Voice requests a study implementation proposal from Bangladesh, Peru, Senegal and Tanzania.


Research Proposal (not more than 2000 words)

  • Background
  • Research teams
  • Methodology
  • Structure of Output
  • Outreach Activities
  • Calendar Plan of Activities
  • Budget Breakdown


Research Report

The report would ideally be 10,000-12,000 words (without annexes). It would build on the earlier country work on Data Test. A template will be provided to guide the structure of the report. The country teams should engage with different stakeholders, particularly the NSO, line ministries and expert groups to produce the report.

Timeline of the project

  • This project will run for 4 months starting from March 2015.
  • The first full draft will be submitted by end May 2015.
  • We would need 2 weeks to get comments from peer reviewers.
  • Another 2 weeks will be given to the country teams to work on the comments and revise the first draft.
  • The validation and finalisation of the reports will be done within July 2015, so that the output is published by August 2015.

Short Description of the Project



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Categories: Phase 2