Phase 2: Research Call 2

Southern Voice- Phase 2: Research Call 2


Southern Voice has recently awarded research grants for 12 studies to 14 partner institutions within the network, exploring the following areas: integrating the global post-2015 agenda in the national planning framework; coordination and leadership in the implementation process; resources for implementation; and participation and accountability. 

Based on the learning outcomes of the Data Test initiative, Southern Voice has planned to undertake a research programme on “National Level Implications of Implementation of SDGs”. This programme has been designed to consolidate the earlier works of Data Test as well as to address new issues beyond data issues related to national level implications of SDGs. We have received support from Hewlett Foundation for this project.

In this regard, we invite you to submit research proposals to pursue country studies under this research programme. Countries (Bangladesh, Peru, Senegal and Tanzania) covered under the earlier programme on Data Test will not be addressed under this programme. After screening and scrutinising the research proposals, four country teams will be commissioned to produce country reports. After the finalisation and validation of the country reports a Synthesis Report will be produced.

The exercise will also highlight the concrete support mechanisms that will need to be designed at the global level to help developing countries in this regard. The exercise will also try to generate an overview of the envisaged national action plans. In this regard we request you to send us a research proposal (not more than 2000 words). For more details you may see the concept note.

The deadline for sending us the proposal is 17 April 2015, end of business. We will announce the result of the selected proposals within a week. Please do send us the proposals soon.

Concept Note: National Level Implications of Implementation of SDGs

Kindly note: this call is now closed. See results




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