Post-2015 Data Test: Presentation of Initial Findings from Country Level

Post-2015 Data Test: Presentation of Initial Findings from Country Level

The Post-2015 Data Test team convened two workshops on October 14 and 15, 2014 to bring country-level perspectives to discussions on the post-2015 agenda by assessing the implications of implementing the new agenda at the national level.

The Post-2015 Data Test initiative is led by the Centre for Policy Dialogue and the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, in association with Southern Voice on Post-MDG International Development Goals and with the support of the United Nations Foundation and the Hewlett Foundation.


During the events, the team presented findings to a wide range of stakeholders engaged in the post-2015 discussions and negotiations, including the UN Secretary General’s Independent Expert Advisory Group on the Data Revolution, diplomats from UN Missions in New York and UN staff.

The workshops provided an opportunity for experts from seven countries to share their experience and research findings with member states, think tanks, UN and civil society in the New York policy community, and to explore implications for the data revolution and for the post-2015 agenda more broadly.

Caption: Debapriya Bhattacharya (3L) amongst other panellists during the Roundtable on 15 October 2014.

Caption: Debapriya Bhattacharya (3L) amongst other panellists during the Roundtable on 15 October 2014.


On October 17, 2014, the Post-2015 Data Test team also presented their initial findings at another workshop titled “Challenges of Implementing SDGs at Country Level: Data Issues and Beyond” in Washington, D.C. with the support of the United Nations Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

This workshop, hosted by the Center for Global Development, engaged a diverse range of DC-based stakeholders. The objective of the workshops was to share key early findings from the Post-2015 Data Test country studies and identify implications for the data revolution and the post-2015 framework. Links for workshop agendas and presentations are given below.

As key inputs into the workshops, country teams have prepared In Progress Notes, outlining initial findings to date. Over the coming month, the Post-2015 Data Test will host a series of blogs looking at key messages arising from the workshops.

Workshop Highlights

Oct 14-15


New York, Oct. 14

New York, Oct. 15

Washington, D.C., Oct. 17

Presentations from October 14

Post-2015 Data Test – Initial Results

Initial Findings – Senegal

Initial Findings – Sierra Leone

Initial Findings – Tanzania

Initial Findings – Turkey

Participants List

New York, Oct 14-15

In-Progress Notes

Bangladesh          Canada          Peru          Senegal          Tanzania          Turkey

Some content reblogged from Post-2015 Data Test website

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