Post-2015 Data Test Report Launch, New York
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New York, 8 July 2016 – The Southern Voice network and the United Nations Foundation organised a half-day dialogue drawing on seven country studies to unpack the challenges and opportunities related to data for the SDGs and how countries are beginning to address them.
The dialogue was also the occasion to launch the summary report of the Post-2015 Data Test, a research project undertaken to assess the availability and quality of data to measure progress against the SDGs in Bangladesh, Canada, Peru, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Turkey. The project was undertaken by the Centre for Policy Dialogue and the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, in association with Southern Voice.
The summary report “Implementing Agenda 2030: Unpacking the Data Revolution at the Country Level” examines seven low-, middle- and high-income countries from four regions across the world: Africa, Asia, Latin America and North America. The report assesses data that is used to track progress for a majority of the 17 candidate SDGs, grouped into seven key areas: poverty; education; employment and inclusive growth; energy and infrastructure; environmental sustainability and disaster-resilience; governance and global partnership for sustainable development
The key findings of the report provided a background for the discussion, which addressed, among others, issues such as the political economy of the data revolution, opportunities to invest in data, and then reflect on what actions are already underway at the country-level to strengthen data for SDG implementation and monitoring.
The event brought together eminent researchers from each of the case countries to share findings and recommendations from the respective country reports, and thought leaders from the UN, member state missions, academia and civil society to make interventions on the presentations in the form of an informal and interactive discussion.
Top 20 tweets from the dialogue
Post2015_UNF @Post2015_UNF Jul 8
That’s a wrap! Thanks to @SV_postMDG & congratulations on the launch of the @Post2015data report! #datarevolution
Peter Taylor @ptaylor_ottawa Jul 8
Govts need to work together with think tanks & academic instns to ensure data used for policy & practice @spkapto @TTI_ITT #DataRevolution
Shannon Kindornay @SKindornay Jul 8
@katedhiggins clear that access, dissemination, data use, regulatory env. for use & trust issues key following generation #datarevolution
Mara vanLoggerenberg @MaravanL Jul 8
.@katedhiggins on #DataRevolution : we need not only more data but better quality, access to it, and more trust of unofficial sources #SDGs
Mara vanLoggerenberg @MaravanL Jul 8
“Data is too impt to be left to the statisticians” – @SV_postMDG on role of stakeholders in #SDGs #datarevolution
Mara vanLoggerenberg @MaravanL Jul 8
.@JessicaEspey on need for independent data systems and investing in the #DataRevolution @Post2015_UNF @SV_postMDG
Post2015_UNF @Post2015_UNF Jul 8
Investing in people, processes, & politics is key for the #datarevolution and #SDGs implementation says @ptaylor_ottawa of @IDRC_CRDI
.@JessicaEspey @UNSDSN @Post2015data launch: reams of admin data, need to clean up, use. #datarevolution @SV_postMDG
Post2015_UNF @Post2015_UNF Jul 8
The #datarevolution is not just about data; it’s also about monitoring and evaluation systems, says Andreas Pfeil of @GermanyUN
Zach Christensen @zchriste Jul 8
.@GermanyUN: Germany doesn’t yet have capacity to track all #SDG indicators. #datarevolution
.@spkapto says we don’t need innovation in #datarevolution . Implement, maintain and improve first. @Post2015data @SV_postMDG
Peter Taylor @ptaylor_ottawa Jul 8
Prioritise implementing and maintaining existing national data systems and processes before innovating @spkapto @TTI_ITT #DataRevolution
Andrea Ordóñez @AOrdonez Jul 8
Benefits from data gathering must be shared with local actors. They aren’t only providers of data but also beneficiaries. #datarevolution
Andrea Ordóñez @AOrdonez Jul 8
Blandina Kilama from @REPOA highlights current data structures miss many people out. A #datarevolution must reach all.
Global Daily @globaldaily Jul 8
.@M2Pham writes on Leaving No One Behind & equality for peoples everywhere through the #DataRevolution #GlobalGoals
Shannon Kindornay @SKindornay Jul 8
#datarevolution: provision of data to int’l institutions improves quality in Turkey experience @Post2015data @SV_postMDG
Peter Taylor @ptaylor_ottawa Jul 8
Data debate has to move beyond data gathering community – must involve other stakeholders @DebapriyaBh @TTI_ITT @IDRC_CRDI #DataRevolution
Peter Taylor @ptaylor_ottawa Jul 8
Final panel, recommendations and outcomes from Unpacking #DataRevolution at country level @SV_postMDG @TTI_ITT
Donor incentives, surveys not always nat’ly relevant. @Post2015data launch #datarevolution @repoa @SV_postMDG
Peter Taylor @ptaylor_ottawa Jul 8
@DebapriyaBh highlights SDG universality crucial when it comes to data but context matters #DataRevolution @TTI_ITT
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