Six country studies are part of the State of the SDGs Initiative

Six country studies are part of the State of the SDGs Initiative

The Southern Voice Secretariat is pleased to announce the six research projects chosen for the first “Southern Voice on the State of the Sustainable Development Goals” report.

The selected proposals will focus on three Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 4 ‘quality education’, SDG 7 ‘affordable and clean energy’ and SDG 8 ‘decent work and economic growth’) in the Global South.

“We congratulate all teams and look forward to working with them. The aim of this report is to fill an existing knowledge gap. We are confident that it will enrich the discussions on the SDGs and level the playfield with new voices from the Global South”, says Andrea Ordóñez, Southern Voice Director. “This will be an independent global assessment of progress on the SDGs that will complement other efforts carried out by governments and the UN System.”

The winning projects are:

From Latin America:


ARU Foundation; Title of proposed research: “Costs, benefits and challenges of/for achieving SDG4: An exploratory case study for Bolivia” (SDG 4)


GRADE (Group for the Analysis of Development); Title of proposed research: “Poor education and precarious jobs in Peru: Understanding who is left behind and why” (SDG 4 and SDG 8)

From Africa:


ISSER (The Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research); Title of proposed research: “Ensuring Access to Affordable, Sustainable and Modern Energy for all in Ghana” (SDG 7)


CSEA (The Center for the Study of Economies of Africa); Title of proposed research:  “Educational Performance in Nigeria: The Dimensions, Drivers and Implication for SDGs”

(SDG 4)

From Asia:

Sri Lanka:

CEPA (Centre for Poverty Analysis);  Title of proposed research: “Repositioning labour in a rapidly changing world: A case study from Sri Lanka” (SDG 8)


PAC (Public Affairs Centre); Title of proposed research: “Will women be a part of India’s future workforce? The Quest for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in India” (SDG 8)

A first meeting of all six research teams will take place in Sri Lanka on 18-20 July 2018. Planned as a biennial report, the first one is expected to be launched at the UN High Level Political Forum in 2019.



Estefanía Charvet, Programme Officer

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