(Explorations in Development Studies Series, Routledge).
ISBN – 978-1-13-818699-6
Released in November 2016
“The papers in this volume are refreshing: technically sound and effectively critical of policies (in the country and regional context). They are by no means cut from one ideological cloth. In the piles of new publications about the SDGs this book really stands out.” – Nancy Birdsall, Founding President, Center for Global Development, Washington, DC
At the turn of the millennium, the unanimous adoption of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the United Nations General Assembly marked a new chapter in international development. However voices from the Global South were noticeably absent in shaping the agenda. Fifteen years later, the global context has changed so much that it would have been inconceivable not to have taken voices from the South into account when planning the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since its inception in 2012, the Southern Voice on Post-MDG International Development Goals (Southern Voice), a network of 49 thinks tanks from Africa, Asia and Latin America, has generated a substantial body of original research to feed in to various aspects of the post-2015 development agenda, such as the missing dimensions of the MDGs, ways to mitigate existing challenges in delivering on aspiredoutcomes, and new issues, goals, targets and indicators that are crucial for the next global development framework.
Southern Perspectives on the Post-2015 International Development Agenda consolidates this research and stitches together development realities and policy experiences from the Global South, infusing unique local perspectives to the global debate on the post-2015 agenda. The compendium, which is being published as part of the series viz. Routledge Explorations in Development Studies, addresses the overarching themes underpinning the new international development framework by focusing on issues such as sustainability and growth, inclusion and social policies, governance and capacities, and financing of the new agenda. Southern Voice seeks to challenge the “knowledge asymmetry” afflicting the global knowledge system by channelling evidence-based policy analyses produced by centres of excellence, located in the Global South.
This is a valuable resource for academics and researchers, policymakers and practitioners, and concerned students in search of alternative views on sustainable development.
Table of Contents
1. Exploring the Post-2015 Development Agenda from Southern Perspectives Debapriya Bhattacharya & Andrea Ordóñez Llanos
Part I: Overarching Issues of the Post-2015 Agenda
2. The Post-2015 Development Agenda: Favourable Enough to Africans? Ibrahima Hathie
3. Alternatives for Development or Alternatives to Development? Mireya Anabell Villacís Taco, María Fernanda Mora Garcés & Rodrigo López
Part II: Sustainability and Growth
4. Growth within Natural Limits: The Debates, Propositions and Possibilities Karin Fernando & Prasanthi Gunawardena
5. Sustainable Energy Access for All: Building Sustainability into Universal Energy Access Mohd. Sahil Ali, Nihit Goyal & Shweta Srinivasan
6. Carbon Emission, Energy Consumption, Deforestation and Agricultural Income in LDCs: Lessons for Post-2015 Development Agenda Fahmida Khatun & Muhammad Al Amin
7. Is the Current Booming Growth in Africa Worth Celebrating? Some Evidence from Tanzania Bitrina Diyamett & Musambya Mutambala
Part III: Inclusion and Social Policies
8. Role of Social Exclusion in Human Development of Excluded Groups Nidhi S. Sabharwal
9. Social Protection and the MDGs in Sri Lanka: Implications for the Post-2015 Agenda Ganga Tilakaratna
10. Measuring of Progress of Decent Work to Support the MDGs and Post-MDGs Luis Linares & Julio Prado
11. Unpacking the Middle: A Class-based Analysis of the Labour Market in Sri Lanka Vagisha Gunasekara
12. Social Institutions and Gender Inequality in Fragile States: Are They Relevant for the Post-MDG Debate? Boris Branisa & Carolina Cardona
Part IV: Governance and Capacities
13. Ensuring Good Governance and Effective Institutions: Can We Afford to Ignore Capacity Issues?Subrat Das
14. Mind the Data Gap: Evaluating MDG’s Contribution to the Improvement of Statistical Capacities in Bolivia, 2000-2013 Katerine F. Saravia Olivarez & Wilson Jiménez Pozo
15. Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers and Gender-sensitive Education Financing Khalida Ghaus & Muhammad Sabir
Part V: Financing the New Development Agenda
16. Exploring Domestic Financing Options for Post-2015 Development Agenda in Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries Eberechukwu Uneze & Adedeji Adeniran
17. Illicit Financial Flows in view of Financing the Post-2015 Development Agenda Towfiqul Islam Khan & Mashfique Ibne Akbar
Subject Categories
1.1.1 Climate Change
2. Politics & International Relations
BISAC Subject Codes/Headings:
BUS072000 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Development / Sustainable Development
POL044000 POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Environmental Policy
The book is currently available for pre-order. Click here to pre-order.
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