Southern Voice Alert 2: March 2013

  • TTI Marawila Conclave, Sri Lanka , 14 March 2013

A breakfast meeting with the Experts  attending the TTI South Asian Regional Meeting, was held on 14th March, 2013. Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya briefed the meeting about the future work planof the initiative.

  • Delhi, India, 19 March 2013

Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya made a keynote presentation on issues relating to “Health, Sanitation and Access to Water” ata Post-2015 MDG Consultation in New Delhi organized by Global Development Network (GDN) on 19th March 2013. The consultation seminar included a high profile policy dialogue with members of UN SG’s High Level Panel of Eminent Persons including EU Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs and Professor Abhijit Banerjee.

  • Nairobi, Kenya, 18 March 2013

Dr Ibrahima Hathie, Director of Research, Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale (IPAR), Senegal, made one of the two plenary presentations, titled “Southern Voice on Post-MDGs: a contribution of Southern Think Tanks to the Post-2015 debate” (the other one was done via Skype by Claire Melamed from ODI) in a one-day forum organized by Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR) on Monday 18 March 2013 in Nairobi, Kenya.  The theme of the forum was “African Research and Higher Education Forum on Post-MDGs”. About 120 African social science researchers and academics attended.

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