Southern Voice (SV) engages with Sustainable Development Solution Network (SDSN)
30 May, 2013, Thursday, 1pm GMT
Southern Voice initiative will be hosting a webinar to discuss the draft report An Action Agenda for Sustainable Development, prepared by the Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solution Network (SDSN). The UN Secretary-General announced the launch of the SDSN in August 2012, and it is one of the key organizations whose valuable input is helping to shape the post-2015 development agenda. The secretariat is housed by Columbia University in Paris and New York, with Jeffrey Sachs acting as the Director out of New York, and Guido Schmidt-Traub as the Executive Director out of Paris. Dr. Schmidt-Traub will be present to engage in a discussion of the report and answer questions with Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya, Chair of the Southern Voice initiative, moderating in the webinar entitled “Southern Voice engages with SDSN on its draft post-2015 report”. The webinar will take place on Thursday May 30 at 1pm GMT (7pm BST).
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