Strategic planning process concludes successfully


We are pleased to share that the medium-term organisational strategy of the network has been successfully rolled out.  

After being in operation for more than three years, the network found itself at a crossroads regarding its institutional development. Consequently, a collective strategic planning process was undertaken to articulate an organisational strategic framework for the next five years. The exercise not only allowed the network to revisit its vision and mission, governance structure and operational modalities, but also to redefine its future research agenda.

The process of preparing the strategy framework, which has been supported by The Hewlett Foundation, involved face-to-face meetings and digital consultations with network members and partners. As a part of the exercise, consultative meetings were held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (October 2015), Negombo, Sri Lanka (August 2016) and Dakar, Senegal (November 2016). The finalisation of the strategy documents took place in Antigua (October 2017).

Click here to view the notable changes in strategy.

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