SV is a strategic partner of the Winterschool of Thintakers in Geneva

Southern Voice is pleased to collaborate with On Think Tanks, Foraus and the Think Tank Hub on the upcoming Winterschool of Thinktankers – a unique seven-day programme to be held in Geneva (4-10 February 2018) aimed at young and proactive think tank professionals who are interested in engaging with, and informing, international policy agendas such as Agenda 2030.

Through this collaboration, Southern Voice expects to contribute towards connecting its network members with the global SDG debates, and to encourage them to propose lines of work or activities that the network can undertake in the coming days.

The Winterschool will feature eminent experts from the global and local levels, which includes Andrea Ordoñez, Research and Partnership Coordinator of Southern Voice and former Director of Research at Grupo FARO.

More concretely, the programme will focus on:

  • Governance and management for think tanks
  • Development of a proactive and policy relevant research agenda
  • Communication strategies
  • Fundraising, financial management and accountability
  • Monitoring, evaluation, and learning of policy influence for the continuous strengthening of the think tank.

For more information, please visit

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