SV – LDC IV Monitor Session in association with CPD at Trade & Development Symposium – Nairobi

mc10-nairobi-logo-revisedSV to investigate avenues and modalities to implement Trade Facilitation measures to ease regional integration of LDCs



Southern Voice – LDC IV Monitor in association with Centre for Policy Dialogue at the


We are pleased to share that Southern Voice and LDC IV Monitor, in association with the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), are organising a session on the Role of Trade Facilitation in the Context of Increasing Regional Integration of Least Developed Countries on Thursday, December 17, from 9 am to 10:30 am at the Hilton Nairobi.


The session will discuss possible avenues and modalities to implement the needed Trade Facilitation (TF) measures which could advance the cause of increasing regional integration of LDC economies. Concretely, the session will:

  • identify the emerging Trade Facilitation-related deficits in view of regional integration of the LDCs;
  • examine concrete measures to address these deficits; and
  • explore possible supportive measures including finance to help LDCs in implementing TF measures

The session will feature international experts on trade and regional integration from global institutions, think tanks and academia.

To view the Concept Note, click here.

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